Below information refers to a deprecated version of the DMS (< version 1.9.5). The current version supports an advanced import script for which you find documentation here.
What follows is merely for the sake of archiving and may in rare cases provide background information on the import process. Do not follow the below steps for DMS versions 1.9.5+
Step 0: Prerequisites (for initial import only)
Before running the importer, you should have installed the package into Nuxeo.
You should also have logged into the Nuxeo GUI, and created a workspace called 'Patricia' and a folder named 'Documents' in 'Patricia' workspace. Importantly, you should have given write permission to the workspace as per section "Configure write access for Patricia Users in Nuxeo GUI" of this page: (*)DEPRECATED - DMS Docker Deployment Guide.
Change nuxeo.conf file and make JVM parameters are set properly. For example:
JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m -server -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
Also execute the following (if needed) in the Patricia database:
update PAT_DMS_SETTINGS set DMS_SETTING_VALUE='false' where DMS_SETTING_KEY='file.import.completed'
Step 1: Make the files to be imported (the Documents folder) accessible
The files to be imported must be accessible by the Nuxeo server. In order for the importer to have access to the files, you must mount or copy the old Patricia (P:) file share onto the nuxeo machine. It's more reliable and efficient to copy the files to the Nuxeo server instead of mounting. Therefore, we highly recommend you prepare a local copy of Documents folder first by using rsync or similar tool.
- If the path contains a folder named "Actor" manually rename the folder to "actor" i.e. make the first letter lowercase.
- Make sure files under this path have the read permission for all.
Example Mount Commands
Example mount command: linux (dom=YOURWINDOMAIN may not be needed):
mount -t cifs //server_ip_address/Patricia -o user=username,pass=mypass,dom=YOURWINDOMAIN /mnt/Patricia
Example mount command: MS Windows
net use p: \\server_ip_address\\patricia
Step 2: Download & Configure Import Script
Download from here:
After the is downloaded, unzip it to a folder, e.g: $HOME/pi-nuxeo-importer/
Edit file, and change parameters according to the Nuxeo server information.
Step 3: Create Nuxeo Folders
The first step is to create top level Nuxeo folders, for example:
- /default-domain/workspaces/Patricia/Documents/0
- /default-domain/workspaces/Patricia/Documents/2
- /default-domain/workspaces/Patricia/Documents/4
by simply using a script:
cd ~/pi-nuxeo-importer python
Step 4: Generate Import URLs
In this step, we run a script to generate import URLs in a text file.
cd ~/pi-nuxeo-importer python
Step 5: Import the Documents
In this step, we run a script to import documents by using the URLs text file generated in previous step.
cd ~/pi-nuxeo-importer python
Step 6: Monitor the Logs
You can access the logs via the following command. You can also just use a web browser to accessing:
cd ~/pi-nuxeo-importer python
You will know that the import is finished when the content of the log remains static, and ends with an import summary referencing 'SimonWatch' toolset, on the console.
Step 7: Run the post import finalizer (for initial import only)
After the import is finished, the import finalization operation should be started (or, it will be run automatically at midnight).
curl -H 'Content-Type:application/json+nxrequest' -X POST -d '{"params":{},"context":{}}' -u 'Administrator:Administrator' ""
The expected result is "Import mode closed & post-import services commenced successfully.".
This completes the import - your documents should now be accessible in the Patricia workspace in the DMS.
Completing step 7 without curl
If you do not have curl installed, you can use RESTClient as an alternative. The screenshots below action the same RESTful call in a graphical manner:
- Set the header to Content-Type application/json+nxrequest
2. Set the body to: {"params":{},"context":{}}
3. Set the auth tab (note select preemptive auth)
4. Set the request method to post
5. After pressing green arrows to execute the request, the result should be "Import mode closed & post-import services commenced successfully.".