Use at your own risk

Please Note:

This is a Suggestion on how Email Intake could be dealt with in a different way than the Standard way!

This is NOT an official recommendation and not an official part of eDMS.

use this at your own Risk

Setup DMS fetchmail:

First of all: install fetchmail

# yum install fetchmail

then you need to edit


#! /bin/bash

fetchmail -q

fetchmail -v -k -p pop3 --auth password -f /etc/fetchmailrc --logfile /var/log/fetchmail.log --invisible --smtphost  --smtpaddress -d 300

this kills any existing fetchmail processes, then

starts fetchmail in Pop3 Mode (Imap is too tricky)

-auth password tells it to read that part from the file fetchmailrc

-logfile tells it where to store the log

-smtphost is the dms host itself (“postfix” should work too, as well as any fqdn)

-d 300 means that it should use a delay of 5 Minutes between fetches

note: ensure to make the fetchmail.script file accessible for your below mentioned linux user ("fetchmail" as user) and executable at the same time. (thus the 755 pattern)

# chmod 755 /opt/fetchmail.script

then edit  /etc/fetchmailrc


proto pop3

set logfile "/var/log/fetchmaillog"


proto pop3

user ""

pass "mypassword"

is "dms1"


most important setting is “keep” to keep the polled emails on the server. If you omit this, the polled mails will be deleted from the pop3 (exchange) server which might result in a shitstorm.

The file fetchmailrc can hold as many mail accounts as you like.

create User fetchmail

# adduser fetchmail

# passwd fetchmail

# usermod -aG wheel fetchmail

now make fetchmail the owner of the file /etc/fetchmailrc

# chown fetchmail /etc/fetchmailrc

And set that file to exclusive for user fetchmail

# chmod -v 600 /etc/fetchmailrc

then try if the user is working

# su fetchmail

whilst in the user fetchmail create a cronjob

# crontab -e

30 * * * * /opt/fetchmail.script


Fetchmail picks up new emails from the defined email inboxes and delivers them to the postfix of DMS. This happens every 5 Minutes and the whole job is reinitiated every 30 minutes.

There is a lot more detail, hundreds of fetchmail tutorials or the man page of fetchmail. This is my own cheatsheet and is by no means complete or all encompassing.

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