When the DMS server resides in a virtualization environment (such as ESXi, Hyper-V, or the likes), it is most expedient to snapshot and save the whole VM from within the virtualization environment. This will make sure that the whole environment plus repository content will be snapshotted at the backup time which is considered most reliable.
Note: Hyper-V installations may require additional backup of the postgres database since silencing of VMs is sometimes not correctly possible, albeit this is a rare event.
If the DMS server is not operated from within a virtualization environment, sector-level copies of the drives are considered most secure.
For discussion of alternative backup solutions please contact Patrix and/or Pace-IP
Since Version of the DMS there is a possibility to have the Elasticsearch and Postgres Databases backep up from inside their Docker Containers onto the Host Filesystem.
In your "Containers" Configurations file (/root/deploy/config/containers.conf)
you are able to activate this backup here:
# Settings for container data backups to /backup/ folder in storage-tree ENABLE_ES_BACKUP="true" ENABLE_PG_BACKUP="true"
after those backups have run, you will find files in /storage/postgres/backup and in /storage/elastic/backup.
these can together with the contents of the folder /storage/nuxeo be stored elsewhere.
here is one example on how to do this
(n.b. this is not an official recommendation, especially the storage of passwords in a script is to be considered unsafe practice. however this is here to give you an idea of how to store backups in a simple fashion on a remote storage)
especially for passing a password to a target, you can install a tool called sshpass:
yum install sshpass
then, once this is installed you can create a backupscript (shellscript) that can resemble this:
# backup script for DMS Stuff sshpass -p "mysuperpassword" rsync -rau /storage/nuxeo/data/ backupuser@networkshare:edms-backup/data/ sshpass -p "mysuperpassword" rsync -rau /storage/elastic/backup backupuser@networkshare:edms-backup/elastic/ sshpass -p "mysuperpassword" rsync -rau /storage/postgres/backup backupuser@networkshare:edms-backup/pg/
We strongly recommend that you use key-based authentication for your remote Servers