This document sums up all improvements and changes which were done within the version span of to The additional bug fixes can be viewed at the individual release notes. to
Update of auto-deploy mechanism
- Starting version, your DMS can be deployed to make use of https security in all client/server communication.
- [DMS-3723] - Allow inline-editing in web browser
- [DMS-3741] - Allowing custom (local) fonts for tinyMCE email drafting
- [DMS-3823] - Improve preview storage system
- [DMS-3848] - Decrease load time of case.
- [DMS-3856] - Make family documents documents available for operations
- [DMS-3859] - Allow definition of target case per to: address
- [DMS-3866] - Remove close button or closing cross in popups where duplicating each other
- [DMS-3868] - Create single style for all popup windows in DMS
- [DMS-3873] - When find invoked from within Patricia, make "Open case" open through Patricia
- [DMS-3879] - Add list of user sessions to license-status endpoint
- [DMS-3882] - Improve behaviour of TreeView/ListView buttons, disable it when corresponding view mode is active
- [DMS-3883] - Create compare endpoint to summarize import result
- [DMS-3886] - Add setting to set sweeper batch size
- [DMS-3887] - Replace double spaces in filename in pat_doc_log on the fly (when invoked)
- [DMS-3889] - Add possibility to disable versioning completely from the system
- [DMS-3891] - Add matterID to search result rows (same as in CB document list top-tab)
- [DMS-3900] - Add selenium front-end tests for Casebrowser
- [DMS-3903] - Create preview generator for Excel and Powerpoint documents
- [DMS-3906] - Enable inline images in email body through image upload into tinyMCE
- [DMS-3907] - Add preview-info-banner for a document that is being edited in DI
- [DMS-3922] - Move ocred text to postgres
- [DMS-3923] - Add drop to properties dialog to set document status (Final/Draft)
- [DMS-3925] - Make on-demand preview/ocr to be async
- [DMS-3945] - Extract pdfium to separateapp invoked via command line
- [DMS-3987] - Replace /STARTSWITH query due to speed constraints
- [DMS-3994] - Add setting to disable "read_only" question if doc status is "final"
- [DMS-3796] - Make OO only work through https
- [DMS-3797] - Add service check for OO to service container health check
- [DMS-3798] - Add more filetypes to default for inline.editing.extensions
- [DMS-3800] - Implement lock/status-check and allow read only opening when set so
- [DMS-3825] - Make OO "document is being edited warning" part of soft refresh?
- [DMS-3826] - Document edited in OO must show modification date and appear as version
- [DMS-3909] - Create preview generator for Excel documents
- [DMS-3910] - Create preview generator for Power Point documents
- [DMS-3714] - Implement tagging system
- [DMS-3908] - Eliminate nuxeo calls from sweepers as much as possible
- [DMS-3918] - Email attachment name editing should retain extension
- [DMS-3924] - Refactor table generation of document list
- [DMS-3982] - Update tesseract to the v4 in DMS image and external containerized solution
- [DMS-4003] - Import script updates for direct fs -> DMS imports F12063WW00
- [DMS-4004] - [F11858DEDMS] Implementation of tagging systems
- [DMS-4006] - Make Date Format in CB adjust to locale
- [DMS-3970] - Remove possibility to hide buttons panel in preview area; buttons should always be visible &
- [DMS-4026] - Global Compare Module
To Compare the completeness of the entire eDMS Repository with the entries in Patricia´s Document Table
Deviations from another are listed in the tables "docInDMS_notPDL" and docInPDL_notDMS which are stored in the Patricia Dabase - [DMS-4033] - Line Break in CB Editor TinyMCE should behave like Outlook
A Fix to make the Email Editor in Casebrowser resemble The Line-Break Behaviour of MS Outlook while editing. - [DMS-4041] - Connection Pool number of active connections
Various Improvements to reduce the amount of connections. The health check had a thread leak. This was fixed, which instantly lead to less buildup of stale threads and thus idle connections. Second was that nuxeo timeout for a connection was limited down from 1 day to 3hrs. - [DMS-4039] - DMS incorrectly processing auto-saved email attachments, referencing case numbers from attachments and saving file to all cases from attachment.
new setting to control text layer extraction on save. The setting is “do.not.scan.text.attachments.for.refs.onsave”. This should prevent an email being saved to multiple cases based on only case refs in the attachment to the email. The email should be saved to the case specified in the subject line or the body (the latter depending on setting).
- [DMS-4021] - Include Python dependencies into nuxeo VM
- [DMS-4032] - upgrade python for post import from 2.7 to current 2.x
- [DMS-4026] - Global Compare Module
- [DMS-4033] - Line Break in CB Editor TinyMCE should behave like Outlook
- [DMS-4037] - Update Centos to current 7.x level
- [DMS-3735] - Observe user access permissions on specified categories
- [DMS-3748] - Observe user case access permissions
Please note that with the activation of case access permissions it is now enforced to NOT use the “Administrator” User in Case Browser. - [DMS-4020] - (B49889WW00) - New Client Improvement - Copy Document File Name vs. Document Name
- [DMS-4056] - do.not.scan.text.attachments.for.refs.onsave should default to "true"
- [DMS-4057] - B51358WW00 - Emailing from DMS tab, first attachment is lost when you try to add additional attachments
- In conjunction with this Release there are also Releases of NuxeoLib v 1.6 and DocIntegrate 2.0.12 as well as DocIntegrate Outlook 1.2.20
- [DMS-4115] - Audit logging to Patricia db
- [DMS-4141] - Avoid ALTER TABLE requests if table is already updated (B55216WW00)
- [DMS-4136] - exclude filetypes from the preview generation
- [DMS-4091] - CASE - DMS PAGE: Devices marked as Show on Device Tab doesn't show on Device Page - Remove option for Design Cases
- [DMS-4086] - Running EDMS PDL Compare - Admin Diagnosis Servlets - in HTTPS Enabled DMS ( B53054WW00 )
- [DMS-4057] - Emailing from DMS tab, first attachment is lost when you try to add additional attachments
- [DMS-4048] - Marry PDL-Compare with Check-Sync
- [DMS-4020] - Copy Document File Name vs. Document Name
- [DMS-4016] - EDMS Language settings options outside of the local browser
- [DMS-4158] - Create from/cc/bcc options for email-saving operations
- [DMS-4157] - Improve/fix edge cases in PdlCompare and PdlCheckSync
- [DMS-4156] - Assign category in DMS at the time of saving an email (not via pdl-sync-back)
- Improvement for processing-info operation for large repositories
- [DMS-4170/DMSDESK-760] - Having a possibility to set the status of incomming documents into the DMS to FINAL
- [DMS-4169] - Casebrowser: Sort the categories like in Patricia
- [DMS-4165] - A possibility to grey out/deactivate the nuxeo drive button
- [DMS-4160] - Automation task bus
- [DMS-4150] - Disable preview refresh if preview is not updated