Windows OS

Operating System: Windows Server 2008+; Windows 7+
Nuxeo version: 5.9.5
Java: 1.7+

  1. Download Nuxeo 5.9.5 Platform Windows Installer (.exe) available from nuxeo downloads page
  2. Double click the exe file to start to install
  3. This will open an installation wizard. Nuxeo Setup Installation Wizard will ask for the installation location.  The path should be C:\Nuxeo to avoid any rights issues,limitations on paths length. This path value "C:\Nuxeo" comes as default, if not set it to C:\Nuxeo (See nuxeo_installation_location_select.jpg.) Then click next.

When using this solution it is important that Nuxeo installation path contains no space (typically NOT C:\Program Files\nuxeo). Otherwise the service wrapper will truncate the path after the space and the service will not start. It is recommended that Nuxeo is installed at the root of the volume (C:\nuxeo\ for instance).

5. After few minutes the setup would be complete. And a desktop icon will be created. You can also access it from Windows Home Menu.
All Programs -> Nuxeo ->Nuxeo)

To ensure the installation is successful, click the Nuxeo desktop icon (or from Programs menu). Nuxeo/control panel will open and click start.

The control panel will display the Nuxeo Server URL. (See nuxeo_control_panel.jpg)

Complete the Nuxeo Startup Wizard

  • Double click the "Nuxeo" shortcut located on Desktop, NuxeoCtl will be started. Click "Open in browser" button to open the following URL in web browser: http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/
  • Follow the configuration questions on the initial nuxeo startup wizard web page. Please keep the default setting when choosing Nuxeo modules (the document management module is required).

After the setup wizard has completed,
a) install nuxeo drive via the admin center:

    • Connect to the Nuxeo server with Administrator user
    • Go to `Admin Center` > `Update Center` > `Package from Nuxeo Marketplace`
    • `Download` and `Install` nuxeo-drive-1.x.x
    • Restart Nuxeo server

b) create a Workspace called "Patricia"

    • Connect to the Nuxeo server with Administrator user
    • Click 'Document Management' in the header bar
    • Click Workspaces link
    • Click "Create a new workspace" button
    • Give workspace the title: Patricia     ; and press create

Configure/Install ImageMagicK

Stop Nuxeo server.

Prepend the following path to `PATH` environment variable:


Close all opened command prompt windows and reopen one, input

          convert -version

command to test if ImageMagicK appears in PATH. If the following message shows:

          Version: ImageMagick 6.8.6-8 2013-08-04 
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2013 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC OpenMP
Delegates: bzlib djvu fftw fontconfig freetype jng jp2 jpeg lcms lzma openexr pango png ps tiff webp x xml zlib

It indicates the ImageMagicK is configured correctly.
Then we can test converting PDF to PNG file.

          cmd /C convert -density "150" "C:\SharedFiles\test.pdf" "C:\SharedFiles\test.png"

Install and Configure Tesseract

Download from

Double click the file to install.

In "Select components to install" section, click "Language data" checkbox and make sure all languages are selected.

After installation is finished, configure the following path to environment variable:

TESSDATA_PREFIX=C:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR\

Don't forget to open a new console window for the change to take effect.

Install custom fonts (if any are needed)

Install any fonts used by the organisation into the relevant directory ( On linux, it's /usr/share/fonts, e.g. truetype or type1).  Also, they should notify Patrix of the custom fonts to ensure the PDF letterhead functions are tested and verified as correct.

Installing LibreOffice

install LibreOffice according instruction

For Linux use commands:

sudo yum install libreoffice
sudo apt-get install libreoffice

Logging (recommended)

Add the following to <NUXEO_HOME>\lib\log4j.xml file (above the <root> logger), to set the threshold ouput level of the dms logging output.

          <category name="com.pi">
   <priority value="INFO" />

Increase default Nuxeo file name length limit

Add the next parameter to nuxeo.conf


Increase stability of import process

Add the next parameter to nuxeo.conf


Configure Nuxeo to Point to your Patricia Database

Create a configuration file pi-nuxeo.xml containing:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
<properties version="1.0">
<!-- Patricia JDBC settings -->
<entry key="patricia.jdbc.driver"></entry>
<entry key="patricia.jdbc.url">jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=patriciaDbName;integratedSecurity=false</entry>
<entry key="patricia.jdbc.username">yourUsername</entry>
<entry key="patricia.jdbc.password">yourPassword</entry>
<entry key="nuxeo.server"></entry>
<!-- installation ID was moved to Patricia DB. It should be retrieved by query select string_value from pat_configuration where configuration_id=313 -->
<!-- <entry key="">12345</entry> -->

If using Linux or MacOS X, copy the configuration file to:


If using Windows, copy the configuration file to:



If you are unsure of your Patricia Installation Id, please request the identifier from Patrix Support <>.

Deploy Patricia Extended DMS Module using the Admin Center GUI

- Download the Patricia Extended DMS marketplace extension for Nuxeo (
- Log to Nuxeo with the user Administrator

Admin Center => Update Center => Local packages => upload a package

- Upload/Install the `` file into nuxeo
- Click "install" (next to the uploaded package) once uploaded.
- Click "Restart Required" button next to pi-nuxeo-marketplace.

Database Note
Please note that, the default superuser of PostgreSQL on Windows is:

postgres / postgres

And Nuxeo database information can be found from the Nuxeo configuration file.











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