Emailing from a case

To email from a case, select the mail icon at the top of the DMS or Case Browser screen


An email box will appear.  


Select the relevant 'From' address and 'Content Template'

Click OK

The email screen will appear.


**Note that the address, subject and body will auto-populate using information from the case

Click send

Emailing documents

Documents can also be included as attachments to an email.

It is possible to attach multiple documents

Tick the checkbox of the relevant document/s


select the mail icon at the top of the DMS or Case Browser screen


An email box will appear.  


Select the relevant 'From' address and 'Content Template'

Click OK

The email screen will appear with the attachment/s listed at the bottom.


**Note that the address, subject and body will auto-populate using information from the case

Click send

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