If DMS has not been enabled in your Patricia database, please execute the following SQL:

if not exists (select * from pat_display_layout_functions where description = 'DMS')
INSERT INTO pat_display_layout_functions (layout_type, pat_or_maint, id, parent_id, description, action, sort_sw, parent_sort_sw)
VALUES (1, 'B', 16, 0, 'DMS', 'dms', 1, 14);
UPDATE pat_display_layout_functions SET sort_sw = 15 WHERE layout_type = 1 AND id = 12;
UPDATE pat_display_layout_functions SET sort_sw = 16 WHERE layout_type = 1 AND id = 14;
UPDATE pat_display_layout_functions SET sort_sw = 17 WHERE layout_type = 1 AND id = 15;
if not exists (select * from mandata_projectlog where project_id = 3501)
INSERT INTO mandata_projectlog (project_id, execution_date, customer_id, status)
if not exists (select * from PAT_CONFIGURATION where configuration_id = 313) 
INSERT INTO PAT_CONFIGURATION (configuration_id,label,description,type,string_value,maintained_by_patrix,group_flag) 
VALUES (313,'Installation ID','Installation ID',2,'<enter id here>',1,7);

if not exists (select * from PAT_CONFIGURATION where configuration_id=314)
INSERT INTO PAT_CONFIGURATION(configuration_id,label,description,type,string_value,maintained_by_patrix,group_flag)
VALUES(314,'Open documents using PINXDesktop','Open documents using PINXDesktop',3,'FALSE',1,7)

if not exists (select * from PAT_CONFIGURATION where configuration_id = 315) 
INSERT INTO PAT_CONFIGURATION (configuration_id,label,description,type,string_value,maintained_by_patrix,group_flag) 
VALUES (315,'Nuxeo hostname and port','Nuxeo hostname and port',2,'hostname:port',1,7);

if not exists (select * from PAT_CONFIGURATION where configuration_id = 318) 
INSERT INTO PAT_CONFIGURATION (configuration_id,label,description,type,string_value,maintained_by_patrix,group_flag) 
VALUES (318,'Enable checksums for case numbers','Enable checksums for case numbers',3,'TRUE',1,7);
if not exists (select * from PAT_CONFIGURATION where configuration_id = 325) 
INSERT INTO PAT_CONFIGURATION (configuration_id,label,description,type,string_value,maintained_by_patrix,group_flag) 
VALUES (325,'Use NuxeoLib.dll','Use NuxeoLib.dll',3,'FALSE',1,7);

Additional tables are required for the EDMS to function normally. If these tables do not yet exist in your Patricia database, please execute the following SQL:

if object_id('PAT_DMS_OCR_SCAN') is Null
       OCR_EMAIL_ADDRESS nvarchar(200) NOT NULL,
if object_id('PAT_DMS_SETTINGS') is Null
       DMS_SETTING_KEY nvarchar(200) NOT NULL,
       DMS_SETTING_VALUE nvarchar(500) NULL,
if object_id('PAT_DMS_TOKEN') is Null
       USERNAME nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
       TOKEN nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
       CREATION_TIME datetime NULL,

if object_id('EMAIL_DRAFTS') is Null
	   ID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	   FROM_ADDRESS nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
	   TO_ADDRESSES nvarchar(1000) NOT NULL,
	   CC_ADDRESSES nvarchar(1000) NULL,
	   BCC_ADDRESSES nvarchar(1000) NULL,
	   EMAIL_SUBJECT nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,
	   EMAIL_BODY ntext NULL,
	   ATTACHMENT_IDS nvarchar(max) NULL,
	   CREATOR_NAME nvarchar(255) NULL,
	   CASE_REF nvarchar(255) NULL,
	   CREATION_TIME datetime2 NULL,
	   LAST_UPDATE_TIME datetime2 NULL,
	   SELECTED_EMAIL_DOC_ID nvarchar(255) NULL,
	   ATTACHMENT_NAMES nvarchar(max) NULL,

The following steps are required to configure the Patricia application for extended DMS:

  1. Set documents path using Patricia Maintenance
  2. Configure DMS Links in Patricia Maintenance
  3. Configure Basic Configuration Values in Patricia Maintenance
  4. Configure write access for Patricia Users group in Nuxeo GUI

Set documents path using Patricia Maintenance

Set documents path to N:\Patricia\Documents via Patricia Maintenance, even if you are using a Patricia version with native Nuxeo support.

This can be found by navigating to the Basic Configuration tree, then to node General, then to node Letter and then to value 24.

Note: This value is case sensitive so please make sure your path in this Basic Configuration value is exactly as your path in the nuxeo repository (default would be as given above - 'N:\Patricia\Documents')

If Patricia Web or PCP is also present, then value 1530 must also be updated accordingly. It can be found by navigating to the Basic Configuration tree, then to node General, then to node Patricia Web and then to value 1530.

Configure DMS Links in Patricia Maintenance

The DMS Links Section in Basic Configuration must be configured as follows:


Where argument 1 is set to "Patricia Login", argument 2 is set to "Patricia Password", and argument 3 is set to "Case No.":


Don't forget to setup the DMS tab to appear in the relevant cases by going into Basic Configuration and then to Display Layout -> Case -> Support and Production. You can consult the Patricia manuals for more details.

e.g. for Patricia Client 5.4,

a) go into Basic Configuration and then to Display Layout -> Case -> Support and Production.

b) If you want the tab to appear on all cases, select the case master that has (All) in all columns, then select the DMS tab below/left, press Add to Selected Options and finally Save.

Please note: the IP address and port number should be replaced as needed.

Please note: the document synchronisation tables will be automatically added as required from version using extended DMS version 1.4+.

Configure Basic Configuration Values in Patricia Maintenance

The relevant basic configuration values are under the "Extended DMS" section and are the following:

  • (313) Installation ID: Make sure your unique installation id is set. If it isn't, please contact Patrix Support to get it.
  • (314) Open documents using PINXDesktop: ALWAYS set to FALSE.
  • (315) Nuxeo hostname and port: Enter the hostname and port of your nuxeo service, e.g. nuxeo.company.com:8080
  • (318) Enable checksums for case numbers: Will make Patricia use checksums when generating case refs. in letter codes. Depending on your setup you may wish to enable/disable this setting.
  • (325) If you are using Patricia 5.6.2+ you can activate the native nuxeo dll access so that Patricia will no longer need a WebDAV drive mounted for the documents path. This increases stability and is strongly suggested. Support of the old technology using a WebDAV mounted drive will cease in time. Simply set this setting to TRUE and make sure you have received and deployed the nuxeo.dll correctly.
  • (1530) This setting applies when a PCP solution is in use. To enable client access to documents you will need to enter a document path in BC1530. The value to be entered can be found in BC24.
  • (1583) This setting applies when a PCP solution is in use. To enable client access to documents you will need to enter a valid USER login into this BC setting. Ensure to enter a the user entry PCPADMIN as the value.

Configure Person Setup Values in Patricia Maintenance

  • All active users require a valid email address to be added against their login on Person in Maintenance. If not present password synching between Maintenance and Nuxeo will not occur.
  • Non standard characters are NOT allowed in the following fields (First Name, Surname, Login ID, Password, Signature or Email). If you have non standard characters in any of these fields the user will not sync to the EDMS environment.

Configure write access for Patricia Users in Nuxeo GUI

Make sure, the document workspaces have write permission assigned thereto as per section "Configure write access for Patricia Users in Nuxeo GUI" of this page: (*)DEPRECATED - DMS Docker Deployment Guide

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