Release Notes - DMS - Version
New Feature
- [DMS-4026] - Global Compare Module
To Compare the completeness of the entire eDMS Repository with the entries in Patricia´s Document Table
Deviations from another are listed in the tables "docInDMS_notPDL" and docInPDL_notDMS which are stored in the Patricia Dabase
- [DMS-4033] - Line Break in CB Editor TinyMCE should behave like Outlook
A Fix to make the Email Editor in Casebrowser resemble The Line-Break Behaviour of MS Outlook while editing. - [DMS-4041] - Connection Pool number of active connections
Various Improvements to reduce the amount of connections. the health check had a thread leak. This was fixed, wich instantly lead to less buildup of stale threads and thus idle connections. Second was that nuxeo timeout for a connection was limited down from 1 day to 3hrs. - [DMS-4039] - DMS incorrectly processing auto-saved email attachments, referencing case numbers from attachments and saving file to all cases from attachment.
new setting to control text layer extraction on save. The setting is “do.not.scan.text.attachments.for.refs.onsave”. This should prevent an email being saved to multiple cases based only only case refs in the attachment to the email. The email should be saved to the case specified in the subject line or the body (the latter depending on setting).
All updates for this release
- DMS-4041 DONE Connection Pool number of active connections
- DMS-4039 DONE <B50485WWDMS> DMS inocrrectly processing auto-saved email attachments, referencing case numbers from attachments and saving file to all cases from attachment.
- DMS-4033 DONE Line Break in CB Editor TinyMCE should behave like Outlook
- DMS-4034 DONE B50177WWDMS - DMS email attachment sort order different between version and
- DMS-4045 DONE B49942WW00 DMS move/copy file Date/Log Date not maintaining original value - Document Version are also lost
- DMS-4026 DONE Global Compare Module