-this remains for documentation purposes, the functionality is now in other areas -

The smtp config defines which email server the outgoing emails should be sent via.  If you run exchange, this will usually be your exchange email server.

Sample Configuration

Here are sample configurations:

<smtpConfig host="email-server.lawfirm.com" port="465" auth="true" user="ourUserNameHere" pass="aPasswordHere"/>
<smtpConfig host="email-server.lawfirm.com" port="25" auth="false"/>

Please note that the user/pass that is used to send email needs to have permission to send email on behalf of all of the users that may sent mail via Patricia.

 Instructions for Exchange 2013

In the below instructions, we are going to use an exchange user called automation@aLawFirm.com to illustrate how to setup a user with permission to send for all in exchange.

  1. Login to Exchange Admin Center https://email-server.aLawFirm.com/ecp and go to Recipients section from Left Pane.
  2. Double click the User for which you want to send mail on behalf of the smtp user
  3. On the User's properties page, Navigate to "Group Delegation" from the left pane and on the right pane, add user who should be able to send mail as this user as shown in the below screenshot and click on Save (in screenshot, we allow user "automation")
  4. This permission must be set in each user's properties page for which you want to send mail as that user; or you can use the power shell to set for all users at one time.

How to test your exchange config

How to test the user you created

To test the user you created has permissions, you can send an email using any SMTP client or command line interface as shown in attached screenshot. You can use credential of the user who has permission to send mail as respective user and set from id as that respective user.

C:\Windows\SendMail.exe -server email-server.aLawFirm.com -from attorney.name@email-server.aLawFirm.com -to outside.user@gmail.com -subject "Test" -body "This is a test" -login DOMAIN\automation -password ourAutomationPasswd

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