This function had been created for one client and may need configuration and consultation.

please use this simply as a reference point to get an overview and contact us in case you  want to implement it in a production environment.


The DMS for Patricia module can be configured to use an external user directory, such as an Active Directory server.

The User-Facing Web Server

The user facing server should be configured to:

  1. Authenticating the user via LDAP or ActiveDirectory (in the usual manner, via SSO and/or basic authentication)
  2. Set the http header "X-pi-sso-user" = username (that the user used to login to the web server with)
  3. Pass/proxy
    1. the request for case browser URL to server instance
    2. the request for nuxeo server URL to server instance

Optional (Recommended): Load Balancer

  1. Run two or more instances of server, configure source IP load balancing on web server, to protect against any interruption of service in case of a failure with primary node

Steps to Enable User-Facing Server Support in DMS for Patricia

  1. Set sso.mode.enabled = TRUE in pi-nuxeo.xml
  2. If running Patricia 5.5 or earlier, set static password for WebDAV mount

Configuring a User-Facing Server (by example)

For the virtues of reliable operation and simple configuration, Practice Insight recommends Apache HTTP Server.

See config by example for SSO Authentication using Apache 2 - Kerberos Approach.

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