Your letterhead options as well as your email options and some other environment options are configured in a settings.xml file which is stored in your nuxeo repository in the nuxeo.settings.dir (check PAT_DMS_SETTINGS Configuration).
To edit this file, download it through the nuxeo console interface, edit it and upload the file again to the same place as a new version (click the "Edit" tab and define the new version number as well as the upload file). A restart of the dms afterwards is not necessary. The effects will be available directly. A page refresh is enough.
Sample configuration
An exemplary settings.xml file may look as follows:
<!-- This file should be renamed to 'settings.xml', and put in the 'nuxeo.settings.dir' Nuxeo folder as configured in cb-config.xml The following folders are expected in the settings directory: Letterheads - where letterhead files are located EmailOptions - where email options are located Signatures - where signature files are located --> <caseBrowser> <letterheads> <letterhead name="Letterhead" file="LETTERHEAD.pdf" pageApply="FIRST" applySignature="yes" signatureMaxWidth="" signatureMaxHeight="50" default="yes"/> <letterhead name="Draft Letterhead" file="DRAFT_LETTERHEAD.pdf" pageApply="FIRST" applySignature="no" signatureMaxWidth="" signatureMaxHeight=""/> <letterhead name="Invoice Letterhead" file="INVOICE_LETTERHEAD.pdf" pageApply="FIRST" applySignature="yes" signatureMaxWidth="" signatureMaxHeight="50"/> <letterhead name="Stamp" file="STAMP.pdf" pageApply="FIRST" allowSignedPDF="yes" applySignature="no" signatureMaxWidth="" signatureMaxHeight=""/--> <letterhead name="Zugferd Letterhead" file="ZUGFERD_LETTERHEAD.pdf" pageApply="ALL" applySignature="no" signatureMaxWidth="" signatureMaxHeight="" /> </letterheads> <emailOptions> <!-- Options for who sends the email --> <fromOption displayName="Current User: @{CURRENT_FIRST_NAME} @{CURRENT_LAST_NAME}" name="@{CURRENT_FIRST_NAME} @{CURRENT_LAST_NAME}" email="@{CURRENT_USER_EMAIL}" footer="FooterOfCurrentUser.html"/> <fromOption displayName="Case Team Leader" name="Case Team Leader" email="" footer="FooterOfTeamLeader.html"/> <fromOption displayName="Firm mail" name="A & B Firm" email="" footer="FooterOfFG.html"/> <!-- Options for types of email messages --> <contentOption name="Email to Correspondence Address" subject="@{REGARDING}; Your Ref: @{YOUR_REF}; Our Ref: @{OUR_REF}" file="EmailToClient.html" recipientId="4"/> <contentOption name="Email with case info to Correspondence Address" subject="@{REGARDING}; Your Ref: @{YOUR_REF}; Our Ref: @{OUR_REF}" file="EmailInfoheaderToClient.html" recipientId="4"/> <contentOption name="Email to Foreign Agent" subject="@{REGARDING}; Your Ref: @{AGENT_REF}; Our Ref: @{OUR_REF}" file="EmailToAgent_EN.html" recipientId="7"/> <contentOption name="Email to Account Address" subject="@{REGARDING}; Your Ref: @{YOUR_REF}; Our Ref: @{OUR_REF}" file="EmailToAccounts_EN.html" recipientId="5"/> <compulsoryBccList></compulsoryBccList> <replyOption subjectPrefix="Re (@{OUR_REF}): "/> </emailOptions> <smtpConfig host="" port="25" auth="false"/> <editableFileTypes>doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,rtf,pdf,txt</editableFileTypes> <categoriesDisplay>20022(0),20011(1),20009(0),20016(0),20002(0),20008(0),20021(1),20010(0),20012(0),20001,20019(0),20014(0),20015(0)</categoriesDisplay> </caseBrowser>
Multiple letterhead options can be defined. Each will represent an entry in the "Create signed PDF"-button drop down in CaseBrowser:
Name | Required? | Format | Description |
name | Required | Text | The name to display to the user in the drop down menu. Example: name="Letterhead" |
file | Required | Text | The pdf that should be used for the watermarking of the document which is signed. It must exists in 'Settings/Letterheads' folder |
pageApply | Required | Text | This will define if the pdf defined in "file" will be applied to the first page only ("FIRST") or all pages ("ALL") of the document which is signed. Note that a pdf document with multiple pages, eg. first page incl. letterhead, second page incl. footer only, will be applied to a document as follows when set to "FIRST":
allowSignedPDF | Optional | Text | Starting DMS version, this will define if the pdf defined in "file" can be watermarked also to pdf documents ("yes") |
applySignature | Optional | Text | If set to "yes", any occurrence of the bookmark "Sign_Current_User" will be replaced by the image stored in the <username>.png file in the folder "Settings/Signatures". <username> must match the logged-in user applying the signature. |
signatureMaxWidth/ signatureMaxHeight | Optional | Text | This defines the maximum width and/or height the signature image is scaled to in pixels. If both are set, the image may be distorted; if only one is set, the respective other will by scaled to keep constraints. |
isZugferdInvoiceTemplate | Optional | Text | Starting DMS version 1.10, if set to "yes", this letterhead can be used to create ZUGFeRD invoice. Requires 'invoiceIssuerNameId' to be set. |
invoiceIssuerNameId | Optional | Text | Patricia Name id of company that will be used as Issuer(or Seller) of ZUGFeRD invoice. Requires 'isZugferdInvoiceTemplate' and 'sellerVatId' to be set (Version 1.10+) |
check the following page for further information relative to this parameter: Email Template Configuration
check the following page for further information relative to this parameter: deprecated - Casebrowser SMTP Configuration
This parameter defines the list of filetypes which will be opened by CaseBrowser through DocIntegrate with the default system editor for the corresponding filetype in an editable manner when "view/edit" is clicked or a document is double clicked in the "Documents" tab to open it.
File types that are not in this list will also be opened but are not saved back to CaseBrowser – even if changes can be made to the document in the default editor.
This parameter defines the order by which the document categories will be displayed in a CaseBrowser page - when view in tree view. The same order will soon also apply to drop-down menus for selecting categories (eg. the set category menu). The order by which the categories are displayed in the CaseBrowser pages follows the list of Patricia category IDs (left-right corresponds to top-down).
Each category is followed by a bracketed boolean parameter {0|1} which defines the default visibility of a category in the CaseBrowser tree view: 0 == the category will be collapsed by default; 1 == expanded by default
When right-clicking on a document or categorie in the DMS tab, the option "Set Category" exists. The order of "Set Category" option is now sorted by the <categoriesDisplay> order as well.