How to check if the Documents of one Case are in Sync between Patricia and eDMS.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open a Webbrowser and go to Casebrowser (e.G.
  2. make sure you are logged in as Administrator (this function will not work as a "standard" User ), Log out and back in if you are unsure:

  3. call the check_sync endpoint:
    which will lead you to this screen:
  4. In this screen, enter your date range and the Casenumber under Case ref and press "Query"
  5. You will get a result list like this:
  6. There are 2 main sections:
    Documents in Nuxeo but not in Patricia and
    Documents in Patricia but not in Nuxeo
  7. The Top one enables you to fix the sync Problem by selecting either individual Documents or all Documents and then pressing "Sync" below the list of these Documents.
    Doing this will create the neccesary entries in Patricia for the existing DMS Documents (and will provide you with a result screen, showing which updates were succesful).
  8. the lower one (Documents in Patricia but not in Nuxeo) will function mainly as a listing of Documents that you might want to find elsewhere and add them into DMS (i.E. by Drag&Drop)
Overall this helps with establishing why some Documents are shown in the Documents tag but not in Patricia, or why some Patricia Document Copy Functionalities are not working as they are expected to.

Diagnosis servlets#6.Verifyandfixsyncstatusofdocuments%E2%80%93availableinDMSversion1.9.8.2+