The Extended DMS team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Extended DMS The latest docker images are available

Please note: The auto-deploy mechanism has also been updated and the latest version must be pulled to your environment before updating to the DMS version. Note that you must ensure that all containers relevant for running the DMS system should be re-deployed with the latest version (postgres: version tag 2.3, elastic: version tag 1.0, service: version tag 1.9).

It is also important that, when installing this version of the DMS, you download and install the NuxeoLib at least version 1.3 as well as version 2.0.10 or better  of the DocIntegrate component and th 1.2.18 or better version of the DocIntegrate Outlook plugin. to take benefit of the recent additions in functionality and fixes in this version of the DMS. Check here, for further information.


Upgrade process: This DMS version applies substantial changes to the Elastic Search index of the system which renders the upgrade process more complex than usually. The upgrade is a two stage process in which stage 1 will run automatically upon deploy of the new version, and stage 2 will need to be initiated manually by the system administrator at a suitable time.

Always make sure to have a full and working backup of your complete DMS system available before you run the upgrade.

Stage 1: immediately after deploy of the new version, the system will conduct a full index re-mapping process. While, technically, during this process, the system is operable, the re-mapping process takes significant CPU and will thus, potentially strongly, slow down your DMS operation. You may also experience unexpected behaviour. If, during the remapping process the system is restarted, the process starts over again. It is therefore highly advisable to run the version upgrade deploy during morning hours of a non-work day, such as a Saturday, so as to conclude during the day.

After step 1 concludes, the system will be operable as normal, however, an additional sweeper (fullTextSync) will be running continuously saving the content of the elastic search text index in preparation for step 2. This may take hours to days, depending on the available resource and the size of your system.

Stage 2: This stage is invoked by the administrator of the system by calling the endpoint "24. Update index structure to support case-insensitive search". Check here for more information.

It is very important to understand that during execution of this endpoint, your DMS system is not operable for use. This process may take up to several hours to conclude and must thus be scheduled appropriately. Again, it is advisable to run this endpoint during morning hours of a non-work day, such as a Saturday, so as to conclude during the day. 

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